*An efficient pipe cutting and beveling prefabrication CNC, dialogue system parameter presets.
*For bulk pipeline prefabrication, one cutting double beveling at the same time.
*Both front and back hydraulic clamping system, automatic centering, precision solid.
*Built-in water cooling systems, incresing the life of machine and tools.
*Machine up/down design, perfectly adapted to different specifications of pipe used on the same logistics system.
*Independent servo motor driven, can realize feed and retract with correlation, differential, independent.
*By setting up parameters through the touch screen, machine is intelligent and efficient to control feed, retract, cutting amount, tool compensation by automatically controlling.
*The machine can be used for carbon steel, stainless steel, and alloy steel pipes.
*Cutting efficiency: 3 min to complete one cutting and beveling for 273mm pipe, 23mm wall thickness.
*Optional automatic pipeline length systems, be formulated with highly efficient logistics system, and form pipe cutting and beveling prefabricated production line.
Komp. Citra Business Park Blok D No. 6
Jl. Peta Barat, Kalideres, Jakarta Barat 11840 – Indonesia
Phone : (021)
29020447 Ext. 152
Fax : (021)
Mobile : 08118800363
Email :
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Customs Clearance Port
Jakarta, Semarang, Surabaya, Belawan & Port Lain nya.
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Kami menerima barang-barang seperti Kimia, tetapi kimia yang ada disertai MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet).
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Jika ada yang ingin dipertayakan, silah kan hubungi kami di nomor (+62 21) 2906-8484
Hp wa. 081908060678 E-Mail : andijm.logistics@gmail.com, andiimport.hokahoki@yahoo.com
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Shopping Arcade 2nd Floor B-03 Jakarta Garden City,
Jl. Raya Cakung Cilincing KM. 0,5 Jakarta Timur 13910 Indonesia
Phone : +62 21 29068484 Fax : +62 21 29068666
Email : andijm.logistics@gmail.com, andiimport.hokahoki@yahoo.com
Website : hokahoki.co.id
Mr. Andi JM BBM : D9CE63FD
Hp wa. 081908060678, 081385311679